Get Connected

Life Groups are the heart of our church.  They are essential for meeting the needs of people seeking answers in a busy and sometimes confusing world.  It is here that relationships are formed and strengthened. It is in this intimate setting that we have experienced incredible personal growth. Our small groups meet throughout the city at various times and days through each week, and most (but not all!) break during summer months.

Sunday Morning Electives | 9:00 am

Friendly Crusaders

Leader: Paul Hedberg


Leader: Phil Rosenik

Friendly Crusaders and Lamplighters concentrate on specific topics or books in the Bible. If you'd like to gain a wealth of knowledge targeting bigger sections of the Bible while developing a good understanding of what it's saying, don't miss this!

Life Groups

Sunday Evenings

5:30 pm | 619 35th St. NW, Canton, OH

Leader: Tony Amerine

Topic: Sunday Message Discussion

6:30 pm | 705 44th St. NE, Canton, OH

Leader: Paul Hedberg

Topic: "The Chosen," Season 1

Thursday Night

6:15 pm | 7540 Klingston St NW, Massillon, OH

Leader: John Kunze

Topic: The book of Ezekiel

This group meets for dinner out at 6:15pm and then has study at 8:00 pm.

Wednesday Night

6:30 pm | 647 47th St. NW, Canton, OH.

Leader: Tony Amerine

Topic: Sunday Message Discussion